Friday, June 3, 2011

Adam Resort2012: Lippes Service

"Adam Lippes had fun with proportions for Resort, showing crisp looks that you'd want to steal straight from the sample rack and start wearing now."
That was the opening line of the review of this tepid line. To call it a collection would be a gross exaggeration. This is a rack of unrelated bits pretending to be something of interest. Considering his presence in major department stores, many who've given him a fair amount of real estate and the fact of his brick and mortar shop downtown, I'd expect a bit of substance. In all fairness I can't point my finger at him directly as he isn't the one wielding the scissors. Like Carolina Herrera, Vera Wang, Ralph Lauren and most of Seventh Ave. he's not a designer, just the humble face of a design house with artistic affectations.
The sad combinations of over-sized jackets, sweaters and t-shirts piled over slim Bermudas, oddball leather minis and cropped sweatpants all add up to a wardrobe that's perfect for today's young women whose fashion sense is culled from style visionaries like Rachel Zoe and Blake Lively. In this the new age of fashion and I start to feel as though I'm going deaf and blind. One thing is sure, dumb is not one of my issues. Dumb is this sort of exercise.


Anonymous said...

WELL SAID. thank god you're back.

Daniel Troppy said...

I love Adam Lippes....