The Perseid meteor shower reaches its zenith this weekend with optimal viewing late tonight and early, early tomorrow morning. For those of you in the mood for an all nighter, tonight would be ideal. The full moon on Saturday night will throw a bit of a wrench in the works but the biggest and brightest will manage to show off their flashing lights and big-assed tails. I watched this time last summer and saw a ridiculous number of shooting stars in all shapes and racing in every direction. The urge to make wishes took a back seat to just laying flat on the beach and oo-ing and ahh-ing. Tonight I'm going to debut a new pair of jammies and drive to the beach to watch. I have some wishes pre-planned that I intend to send up before getting overwhelmed by the light show. I hope that those of you who want to witness this performance will have a chance and spot to do it in. I know that wishing on falling stars is not a fool proof way to guarantee answered prayers, but it's as good as any tonight. I've been thinking about things and think I'll share them with you all. Nothing brilliant, but no doubt some of them will strike chords for you and give you something to laugh about. God knows there isn't that much funny around of late. It's been a slow news week and a blight in the fashion sphere, but at the bottom of the litter box are a few bits and pieces.....
1 comment:
We saw it here, in the Sonora desert, shooting stars everywhere, full moon yes but still incredible.We are so lucky to witness such a show and to appreciate it IN PEACE with a loved one. So lucky to have food on our table and clean water to drink. Cannot wait to hear from you soon.
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