Well I was another designing figure skater or vice versa. Skating was my life and the thing I wanted more than anything with the exception of becoming the first chair flautist of the Boston Symphony or a member of the U.S. Equestrian team for Dressage, and if those things didn't gel, then a really successful fashion designer who also writes, or vice versa. From the moment I saw Peggy Fleming win gold at the '68 Olympics, I knew that sport was for me. Like Vera, I didn't make it to the top of the podium, have the thrill of international judges holding up scores of perfect 6.0 (the old judging system). Nevertheless, I had the thrill of becoming a pretty good skater with a few medals to hang on my wall. My strength was as a free skater and less so compulsory figures, which is something one n

The point is that skating was a way of life and still something that haunts me. I think abo

I had a dream just before my trip that I've been unable to forget: There was a group of people I was wandering with through a barren field covered in a dense fog with mounds of snow and reeds everywhere like a bog in winter. Out of nowhere I see the remains of boards around what looks like a derelict skating rink some distance off. Like a magnet it tugs at me and I'm running through the marshy snow to see what's there. At the edge the mist is just floating above a surface that is like dark grey glass; perfect, untouched ice. (every hardcore skater's wet dream...) Next thing I know I've pushed off and am gliding across the surface in skates with blades that just cut so perfectly I can feel and hear them slice with no resistance. The ice opens before me to reveal a huge area without boundaries. I'm skating the way I used to, turning, jumping and spinning. As I look down at my feet I s

What does it all mean? I can't say. All I can say is the next day I found myself at a store downtown ordering a new pair of skates. I took my old ones with me to show the man in charge and he agreed they were best kept as a memory. I was fitted for a pair of boots and ordered the blades like my old ones to match. When I got back from Qatar I went and picked them up. These skates are so beautiful and the blades are astounding. John Wilson Pattern 99's with a toe pick that takes no prisoners. If there's anything I wish for in skating again it's to learn how to really center my spin and do another axel. Spinning was always a weak spot for me. I couldn't hold the center like so many others around me. I'm determ

For the record I had an interesting week upon my return from Qatar. I was invited to participate in a symposium at FIT on "Fashion Icon

I'll look for you all at Sky Rink or World Ice in Flushing where I hear lies the "purrr-fect" surface!
* Blur: a short film by Mark Dennis
Wonderful post, thank you, more on skating please!
Great post Fluff, you have great passions. Loulou de la Falaise passed on yesterday... . I am devastated. She was my hero, an icon, my favorite image, a true work horse, the greatest stylist; that girl could party all night at club 7 and go right to work in the morning.We all did then... She was a real Parisienne. True chic. Only 63...
Now she is with Yves.
Love your story telling. I felt the same about ballet having done it from age three to age fifteen. I went back to it when I was twenty two. Classes, and memories of legs flying straighter and higher.
Wishing you much success and a lack of spills on the ice.
I'm a huge fan of Johnny Weir and his Balenciaga bag collection, well of course all of his good works too.
did you take them out for a spin?
Dear Paupau,
Yes I did go for a spin. It was fabulous.My new bespoke skates are formidable!
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