It's good to be the King....even for just a day. Thanks everyone for stopping by for a visit. Time for this puss cat to get cozy and go nighty. I wish you all a warm and peaceful evening. Tomorrow is just that, another day.
night night.
...and this wasn't a half hearted twatter, just a quicky from a sleepy boy.
Ohh Mr. Gaskin I've been trying to figure out who was behind this blog for so long hehe. I would've never guessed it was you. I am sadden to see you shutter your design house, but beautiful things abound. You will indeed rise above the fluff. I am sure of it. Your honesty is refreshing and unlike some you're honest without being tacky.
You've inspired me to come from behind my own hypocritical mask and implored me to see that fence sitting is no longer optional. It's exhilarating to truly breathe a sigh of realism. But bitter you're not.
Congrats, darling, for making a big splash. I blogged you:
Well well, at last someone has let the cat out of the bag - no not the identity of Fluff - but instead Fluff has revealed the real situation behind the demise of many talented fashion artists. The commercial world has stolen the title "designer collection" hyped up a brand image, got the clothes made in the grillions for pennies in the far east and people just 'buy it' without 'getting it'. You have to be beautiful, young and contraversial to get attention and have a very hungry ego. If, like me you are past it, short and fat - I was once told that I would look too fat on Japanese television and that I would have to lose the weight, or I would have to become a buddhist to succeed, or if I did not do the Gatsby look I would fail etc. etc. - Talent what has that got to do with anything - talent is down the plughole while the cloned stuff is hooked onto celebrity backsides and no-one who has any individual style can find those special things that can identify them as themselves. Well Fluff - why did you not succeed - you are beautiful - but maybe your purpose was to do exactly what you have done. Bitter - no I don't think so, just honest and observant.
I thank and congratulate for your insightful comments and commendable approach to life, people and the industry.
I hope that all this hype will stimulate your creative juices, and enable your incredible talent to prevail. Your reproachful outlook has been constructive, but your creative abilities are what you should be remembered and valued for.
Bonne chance et bonne continuation!
congrats for coming out of your closet! keep on going.
Mr. Gaskins,
KUDOS KUDOS KUDOS! A coming out, indeed. Grin and revel in it! Once upon a time, we too chased the dream. But after several $200k shows, the wining and dining that goes along with courting the buyers and the politics of constantly trying to be the new "it boy", we bowed out and quietly left the scene. I've read your blog -- and every time, wondered who laid behind the insight. Doesn't take a scientist to KNOW realize that "Fluff Chance" was like me -- someone on the "inside". Only "insiders" are able to write with such realism, foresight, honesty, authority, truth. And I'm not talking Anna Wintour.
The public doesn't "get it". And that's sad. If they only knew. And that is part of your role in this life. Through you, they ARE getting it... ableit, slowly.
Take comfort in this fact: like me, you WILL continue to grow, and develop, and meet new people that will bring out the best in you... to shine and rise. You WILL continue to contribute to the world-at-large. Smile.
This is just a new beginning. A new, brilliant dawn. Smile. Look up - at the sun. Onward ho, my dear.
I can't believe I never knew this blog existed, ugh! Love it!
After reading the exposé in the NYT-Style section I have book marked your blog & will be reading it from here on out.
My photo-blog...http://sonofvbeach.wordpress.com
I am an acquaintance from years ago but not in the industry anymore.Read the article and I could definitely see you being the scathing author of a fashion blog. Sorry you got the full page of the NYT when you were going out of business. If they had done the same you might still be " making those frocks". But I am sure you will continue to make and design for special people. Best of luck for the future....Vicki Ross
PS: Please visit my blog that I just started nastyinthecity.wordpress.com
and tell me about some nasty people to you.
Dear Mr. Gaskin, I too am a smaller designer (jewelry), and I too agree wholeheartedly with everything you say, straight down the line! There will be people no doubt who will say you are bitter. I don't see it that way. The solution is very simple: this industry need to stop whoring around with celebrities and get back to the business of making beautiful items that stand for something. Best of luck to you, I have a feeling your life has just taken a very positive, very interesting turn.
You're really not as nice as the article sounded. As your business declined,your ethics deteriorated.What goes around comes around.
found you via the genius wendyb!
SO happy i did.
a new obsession! just what i need ; )
****You're really not as nice as the article sounded. As your business declined,your ethics deteriorated.What goes around comes around.****
love it!! the blog, the article and most of all you!
I would love to hear your thoughts on the job climate in New York's fashion industry. I'm seeing an increasing number of American designers not be abe to get jobs at every leveleven in New York. It really is something the Parsons and FIT's of this country should really address. I'm finding the bias becoming more and more prevalant.
Congratulations Eric! aloha, Lesa (Adrian's friend)
Well, once you wake from your beauty sleep, I'd be curious on your take on http://www.nytimes.com/2009/08/02/fashion/02nacho.html?ref=fashion
"Putting Fashion on Horseback" re Nacho Figueros and Ralph Lauren in the NY Times. You're a horseperson, right? So am I, and to be honest I resent Mr. Lipschitz and his wealth. I got a call once from his denim designer under the guise of working with me. Really, she (and Ralph) just wanted to rip me off. Of course they could just get in line with the rest of the Nudie knockoffs. Later I saw my pocket design on the RRL brand jeans at Barneys. Just another day in the life . . . I may be opening a little box of bitterness of my own.
L.O.V.E. I.T. !!!!
Your comments for the Runway blog in the Times were insightful and biting - but truth often isn't sweet. Kudos to your forthright comments and your less-than sycophantic view of fashion.
What a wonderful article and what a wonderful coming out/farewell. You should design clothes for us "healthy" women - we'd adore it and you!
This is what I find so funny about the fashion business here in NYC. I have worked in several fashion houses and they all do the same thing. Go to Europe, shop the market and then put out their collection. They call themselves Designers but really are knock-offs of other designers. If you look at their "inspiration" board you will see pictures of prominent European designer's work. So who or what really is a "designer"? Would it be that person who has bags of money is able to buy the most press and is then able to entice shoppers to buy their stuff because of it?
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