Dear Friends, Followers and Fashionmaniacs,
I'm sorry that I've been so absent from the scene. So much mayhem and fabulosity has been bubbling on a second by second basis and I feel awful to have been so woefully preoccupied elsewhere. My father's health has been failing since Christmas and on Friday very early in the morning he died. So I'm here in Massachusetts at my mother's house along with my big sister Pam helping to prepare his funeral and all the other attendant details that go along with dying. I have to admit I would give anything to be focused on the trivialities of the fashion scene with its all important shifts. Sooner or later real life intrudes and I'm forced to face the bigger music. I should let you know that he was an amazing man who devoted his life to music. He taught music, was a gifted tenor with his own choral group, the Leonard Gaskins Chorale and performed sacred music programs from the moment I was born til very recently. He lived to 82 years and was a passionate golfer, so much so that his will stipulates that his ashes "be scattered over the nearest golf course." I got my determination and love for all things aesthetic from him.I'll say now that I appreciate all of your sympathy and well wishes and thank you
My best to you all,
Eric, Fluff and Folks
I am so sorry, my sympathies to you and your family.
...thanks so much for sharing the connective fibers of your life...sending you and your family all possible best in your process of dealing with the passing of your father and please dont rush too fast back into the fripperies of the world of fashion, it will all be there when you are ready, all possible best for you and yours, craiglaurence.
Sorry about losing your dad. Unfortunately it's pone of life's milestones. Take care of yourself and the family,allow yourself to grieve, and come back when you're able.
Our thoughts are with you and your family.
We will get dressed everyday with a little extra effort for you, thinking of you.
Sunrise. Sunset.
Take your time.
All the best.
as you move through the days and weeks- and forever more-your father will be with you. the physical presence is no more but that connection is still firm. you will see.
Fluff, my thoughts are with you and your Family in this tough period. 82 wonderful rotations around the sun. He will eternally live and sing in every fiber of your life.
It's a numbing loss that we all must face, if we're lucky. Take your time, be with your family. We'll be here when you get back.
Beautiful tribute letter to a beautiful man. Peace to you and your family, Fluff.
I am very sorry for your loss. I never comment because I am a math teacher so I don't know much about fashion, but I love the site. I will check in everyday not for a new post, but just to let you know I am thinking of you
Thank you for sharing the light your father gave the world while he was here. When someone radiates such a positive energy it is picked up and reflected by those around them. And it continues to be and to live on...this is what happened to my family when my father passed...someone as lovely as that never really dies.
Sorry for your loss Fluff.
Truly sorry for you Loss. Although, in amongst the sorrow, you have managed to inspire me to dress with extra flair this week - despite the gloom and rain. Looking forward to having you back on fighting form!
Dear Fluff, I am so very sorry to hear about the loss of your Father. I know that when things like this happen words are usually too weak to comfort.When I lost my brother, it felt as if entire Universe went into pieces...It sounds like your Father had an amazing life, one could only wish to live like he did: with so much passion and love. I also know that this time will become a time of soul searching for you. You are an amazing son for choosing to celebrate your Father's life instead of losing yourself in the pain of grief. Sending you and your family millions of kind wishes from New York.
A lovely tribute, my condolences
So many will be thinking a supportive thought for you, I am one.
I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.
So sorry about your loss, but thank you for taking time to let us know. We await your return in due time.
my thoughts and prayers are with you.
So sorry to hear this news.
But I'm cheered by these lovely photos of you and your dad. You are so alike.
I loved your meandering thoughts as you go through this--and your loving tribute to your handsome father.
Changing moods, random thoughts, good, not so good, it is all part of the big picture.
Thank you for this--and God Bless!
Love never dies, Eric.
Sorry for your loss.My prayers are with you and yours at this time.
How glorious to have been raised in a house full of music. So sorry for your loss
So sorry for your loss.xxx
Thanks for sharing with your readers this lovely tribute to your father. Sending my thought and prayers to you and your family.
Thanks for sharing with your readers this lovely tribute to your Father. Sending my thoughts and prayers to you and your family.
You were truly blessed to have such a terrifc Father.Anthony and I send you are thoughts and prayers to you and your family.
I did miss you and am sorry to learn about your reason for silence. You have wonderful memories, keep them in your heart.
How touching are your remembrances of your father. Lucky is the child who has a true father in their lives. Someone they can look up to and respect. You are a lucky man.
You and your family are in my heart and prayers.
Take your time, grieve and heal.
I am so very sorry for your loss, and my thoughts are with you...
I just found your blog. So sorry to hear about the death of your father. Too sad. But be joyous about the life he did live as I read you are. God Bless you and hope to read your fun blog again in the future. Brenda Williams
I too just want to express my symapthy. I am not a regular reader, but sitting at my desk at work you give me something beautiful to look at and ponder. Your father sounds like an amazing man.
Eric, belated condolences on the loss of your father. Sounds like he was an amazing man who profoundly influenced you. Having lost a father, I know how much this affects a son.
Take care!
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