Earlier today Alexander McQueen died at his home in London. The shock and surprise is something very hard to put into words. Someone so young and so gifted has gone all too soon. Whatever reasons there are to this situation are not for me to speculate on. What is important is the life he lived, the contribution he made and the people whose lives he touched. I feel so much sadness for those who knew and loved him. They are the ones who must be mourned. Life is hardest for those left behind struggling to make sense of their loss.
Alexander McQueen changed the face of fashion. He took old techniques and made them new and uniquely his own. I wrote a piece on him last season titled, "Alexander McQueen is not of this World". That Collection hit me like a hammer. I was more moved by its otherworldly quality and its absolute beauty. I've never seen anything quite like it and may never again. We will all feel his loss, but his is a life to be celebrated. The beauty that he shared with the world was something that changed the way we all see design. Alexander was in the end a man searching for something. I hope that he has found it now and can truly exalt in it and find peace.
Thank you, Fluff.
I turned to you today, at this sad time, because I knew you'd find the right words. From one writer to another. A Flurry
what a loss....
the world needs more innovators and visionaries like him.
his Highland Rape collection is still my favourite.
another genius lost all too soon.
Terrible, terrible loss...
Thanks, Fluff. You said it just right.
You are right, Fluff; he was not of this world. Maybe that is why he chose to leave it. I hope he is with his mum and Isabella now.
John Biddle
Such a tragedy....
If someone bursting with so much creativity, support, and love from fans cannot handle the stresses and strains of life and the fashion industry, what chance do young fashion students and others who aspire to join the rat race have to survive?
So very sad.
This is still quite brutal to me. I too loved the "Not of This World" collection and find it to be such a horrible loss for his family and for interesting clothing, at large...
Thank you, Fluff, for, as another commentor wrote, finding the right words.
What I loved most about McQueen was that sheer, uncompromising audacity of his vision, and that he managed to maintain it in a day and age of facile fashion and too easy solutions is maybe what we should be applauding - as well as mourning - most of all.
One of the last great visionaries is now gone, and I, for one, feel that nothing in the world of fashion will ever be the same again, that barring some miracle, no one new will ever, in a manner of speaking, make my brain as well as my horizons explode to such an extent, and for that, I mourn, too.
He will be missed, and more than he knew.
you know, it is so wonderful to have experienced true design genius.
we were all blessed..pleasant dreams to him.
major bummer man
...and how bout that divine missive he sewed into Prince C's jacket sleeve lining...
He Shoots He Scores!
it is just a huge loss for an industry that seams to have no direction or a leader. It is shocking. I just find relief in knowing that that is what he wanted, that is was a plan, and he was happy to leave or get out. A man that seemed to have it all, yet there was something missing... He left behind a legacy that will be treasured by many os us. RIp
Fluffy, fluffy, fluffy, I've read that it was not so surprising. Wasn't he terrifically dark and pessimistic about fashion ? Why people pretend suicide comes as a shocking surprise, even when the suicide leaves glaring sign posts is one more lie in a dishonest world. Why at the start of NY fashion week? How hostile !
Such a horrible loss, and the worst part is that there is now speculation about who will take over the brand if it survives. I've read Christian Siriano's name bandied about a few times as well as Gareth Pugh's, and all that I can say is that neither one would be a good fit. Christian Siriano? From Project Runway? Seriously? Just look at Siriano's recent collection....do people honestly think that he has enough imaginative firepower and technical skill to even do the McQueen name justice? McQueen had that dark romantic edge to him...Siriano does not. Just look at the kid during his bow, he's like an attention grabbing clown! What a joke...he will never take the reins at McQueen. As for Mr. Pugh, he shares a lot more DNA with McQueen than Siriano. However, with Pugh it only seems to be darkness and edge all the time, 24/7. Where's the romance? The beauty? I think the only person who could do anything with the McQueen brand would be Mr. Olivier Theyskens. Even in this case, he wouldn't be the best fit, but he is a good fit, better than anyone out there at the moment. He has the dark romantic sensibility, and his demeanor is more similar to McQueen's. (Not to mention that he's available) Siriano smirks too much, Pugh is way too brooding, but Theyskens is just about right. Whomever it is, if the powers that be do not pull the plug on the brand, they need another person who has suffered through life and is still suffering to fill such big shoes.
i've never met alexander mcqueen but i have seen and analyzed every collection he's made since he came onto the scene. so in a strange way i felt like knew him. when he took his life it felt like a close friend died- strange but it's the only way i can explain it.
i feel his passing is a such a huge loss. i felt empty and sad all day like many who loved his collections. i can't help thinking about the darkness that must of overwhelmed him and to conclude his life that way. fundamental darkness is a really heavy. it's unfortunate he could not see the light in time.
fluff you've said it best i don't think anyone will come close to his talent in a long time. things are so different now. when he started there were no victoria beckham claiming herself as a designer. he was the real deal.
as for the future of his business baring his name, i don't think anyone can't carry the torch and seriously who would want to put themselves in those shoes at the moment.
mcqeen can only be done by mcqueen, period!
Christian Siriano as successor to Alexander McQueen--did I read the Anonymous Post correctly ? The court jester is to be promoted to King !
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