Jesus Christ. Holy cow. Sacred spice has replaced Pepper Spray who once was known as Posh. Well, Holy father I have a confession to make. This nun I used to see as a heretic has shed her wimple and given us a divinely chic peek under her habit. I think her recent pilgrimage to Lourdes to take the waters has left her in the throes of a full on conversion.
Victoria Beckham skipped grades from elementary school straight to the P.H.D. program of High Fashion U. Father, I was wrong about her. She really does want to be good. And I'm ashamed that I doubted her.
This collection is so tight, so smart, so carefully and professionally done that I'm sitting here gob smacked. My knickers are officially in a twist. What great dresses. What smart coats. What c

lear and beautiful colors. What inspired style. What great bags. Jesus, even the boots rock. The collection's not large but who needs quantity

when you've got quality? I don't want to over think this or start questioning the HOW of this when the WHAT is all that matters. This woman with little background in the field other than too much time on her hands and way too much money has put it all to use in the most satisfying way. When I've misjudged something in the past I'm not too stubborn to admit my mistake. It looks as though Mrs. Beckham not only wants to be good, she is.
I just looked at these on nytimes- spare, spartan, but not a hair shirt in site-full out elegance and comfort too- amen.
Agreed Fluff, modern, real clothes for real women...loved it!
I have been watching VB for a while. Wouldn't it be the limit if she outstripped some of the "masters"?
Your review is spot on. The things you show look so fresh. And so wearable.
Isn't it thrilling when someone you had previously written off surprises you in such a positive way? Restores the faith somehow and that's a gift.
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